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Yahoo Trends and Google Trends

Yahoo Trends and Google Trends
Yahoo Trends and Google Trends - A glimpse of understanding / definition of Google Trends is a new service products issued by Google Inc..
Its main function is the key word summary of the most widely used of people at Google, shows the popularity of keyword searches are typed in the Google Search Engine Google users from around the world. While the benefits of Google Trends is to gain as much traffic.

Studying google trends is obligatory for a site administrator. Especially for those who are following the Google Adsense program. SEO types are often referred to by the alias Traffic Targetted seeking visitors based on the country we want, and Each time you do a search through Google by entering the keyword / specific keyword, the keyword is automatically stored in the Google database. Based on that database, then Google Inc. launched Google Trends which displays the keywords search frequently searched keywords and even predict whether it will continue to exist, rise or even fall within a certain time in the future. Presentation is displayed in the form of trend graphs or calculations.

While Yahoo Trends is a collection of headlines that are being or sanggat popular in the show in the main catalog page yahoo, yahoo trends themselves are much more dynamic because it depends on the visitors who come, for example: IP address of visitors to Indonesia will be taken to Indonesia and the yahoo page menampilakn contains news from Indonesia and it makes very little difference between google and yahoo trends.

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